Monday, February 12, 2024

Alastair Galbraith - Talisman (1995/2020)

Artist: Alastair Galbraith

Album: Talisman

Year: 1995 (original) / 2020 (reissue)

Sketchy and diaristic, Talisman is an electro- and acoustic patchwork that finds beauty in the unexpected and serenity in the unlikely collision of sounds both comforting and unsettling. Consider this pairing: "Policeman on Ether" with shrill and discordant notes and squeals, contrasted with the follow-up "Coast Road," a quiet nylon string song with vocals and guitar music mixed so low you might need to re-adjust. Together it's a counterpoint of the harsh and the tranquil. The songs flit between styles and eschew traditional structures--some veer more towards noise, while others (like "Strong Enough") have a lo-fi pop sensibility--but there's something deeper that unifies the songs as the work of a singular artist. There are many mysteries embedded in this album, and I look forward to revisiting this soon. Galbraith is a New Zealand musician, and this album was originally released in 1995 on his own label, Nextbestway, and is now available from Otic.

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