Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Bad Anxiety - Demonstration II (2023)

Artist: Bad Anxiety

Album: Demonstration II

Year: 2023

Label: Earth Girl Tapes

It was love as first listen as soon as I heard the slightly blown out drums and slightly-more-than-slightly out of tune guitar on the first track, "Big Dumb." Bad Anxiety play the sort of piss and vinegar hardcore songs that are over by the time you work up the nerve to get in the pit--or type this sentence. And those drum rolls on "Committing Crimes" made me wonder if this band isn't a bunch of grave diggers who resurrected Gene Krupa and spliced his DNA with Bill Stevenson. I just finished my third listen in fifteen minutes, and yeah--this is true to the bone hardcore, honest to its roots but with loads of individuality and zeal. If you like Angry Samoans and Circle Jerks, def check this out.

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