Thursday, February 22, 2024

Slovak Misanthrope - Ja proti Sebe (2024)

Artist:  Slovak Misanthrope

Album: Ja proti Sebe

Label: Imploding Sounds

Year: 2024

This is like some harsh noise disco, and I like it! The pieces are short and to-the-point, focused studies on rhythm, pulse, and deterioration. The first two songs are more abstract, but the album really clicked for me when the third track, "Naivita dobrého zajtrajška," kicked in. The opening synth line pulls the album into electro-industrial territory before it rots away into noise territory. The noise-rave maelstrom continues with the final track, "Cyklické narušenie," which begins with an insistent four-to-the-floor beat and quickly descends into noise agitation, like a dentist going to town on the cavity-decayed beat, drilling away, but with the song never losing track of its pulse.

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